The Nautelankoski Foundation
Established in 1996 in a contract between Lieto municipality and Lauri Nautela, the Nautelankoski Foundation was created to guide and care for museum activities in Lieto.
The Nautelankoski Foundation
Engages in recording cultural traditions, conducts research, creates exhibits, publicizes and teaches
Maintains and develops the Nautelankoski Museum and the Tarvasjoki Local History Museum
Maintains the Lieto local history archives
Is responsible for care of the natural areas, museum and relics of Nautelankoski and Kukkarkoski.
Maintains contact with organizations and entities in the field and cooperates closely with the municipality of Lieto and various authorities
Follows international developments in the industry
In order to support its activities the Nautelankoski Foundation may receive and manage private and public collections and items, donations, grants, etc. The Nautelankoski Foundation is managed by a board of directors.
Nautelankoski Foundation Board of Directors:
The five-member Board of Directors consists of one Lauri Nautela representative, two representatives chosen by the municipality of Lieto and two more members elected by the Nautelankoski Foundation.
Members in 2016:
Pekka Jokila, Chair
Jarkko Saari, Vice-Chair
Matti Metsistö, Member
Heikki Knuutila, Member
Juha Vuorela, Member
John Björkman, Expert, Turku Museum Centre
Leena Viskari, Secretary
Nautelankoski Foundation Delegation:
Members of the Nautelankoski Foundation Delegation are representatives from various homestead and cultural
associations that are active in Lieto.
Members in 2016:
Aila Peltola, Härkätien Environmental Conservation Association
Juha Vuorela, Tarvasjoki Homestead Organization Tarvaiset
Uno Ukkonen, Lieto Karelia Society
Heikki Knuutila, Lieto Farmer's Association
Laila Kallonen, Lieto Rural Women’s Advisory Organization
Leena Salminen, Lieto Martha Organization
Merja Jokila, Lieto Guides Association
Heikki Alikirri, Lieto Society
Merja Mäkiharju-Rantanen, Liedon 4H