A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment. The Lieto Museum is dedicated to human history and culture in Lieto.
Administration of the Lieto Museum is managed by the Nautelankoski Foundation. The museum's financing is tripartite: The Finnish government, annual contributions from the municipality of Lieto, and the museum's own financing projects, all compose the museum's funding sources. There are two professional curators employed by the museum. In addition, through various projects and ventures the museum is able to expand its activities into specific areas. During the summer season, Lieto youth work as guides for the museum's various attractions. Over the years, the contributions of volunteers has become a cornerstone of the museum; Specialists from different fields donate their time and in turn they guide and train new volunteers at the museum.
On these pages you will find information about the history of the Lieto Museum itself, along with information about staff, collections and research. Here you will find information about the exhibitions that are open at the museum as well as driving directions, links to maps, and bus timetables. Using the contact form on the website you can easily ask any questions of the museum staff; it is also a great place to give feedback.
The history of Lieto is presented from different angles, and nature lovers are provided with information about natural attractions in Lieto. Via the observations of others, you can take part in promoting awareness of the species in the area and in recording the changes occurring in the cultural landscape. All the information and images found on the museum pages may be freely used for non-commercial purposes as long as you remember to cite the Lieto museum pages as the source (license CC-BY-NC).